This work specifically deals with my growing interest in possibilities of narrative in relation to an image, and as such is conceived to be a sequel of the work which precedes it (The last minute). Furthermore, this interest is the result of the exploration of dramaturgy, a term related to the theater and film that deals with structural issues of composition and the representation of the main elements of a drama or a film. I tried to apply this basic concept to the medium of painting and, following the structural rules of a plot, I conceived the possible progress of events leading from one to another. I tried to figure out what would happen to the protagonists of the previous image, how would they go on? Would they find the salvation? Where would it be? So I imagined these characters to have made it out somewhere outside the parameters of civilization or culture. The main issue that puzzled me was whether they (me/we) would have been able to survive. What kind of knowledge are we equipped with, and where can that knowledge be applied? In the text for The last minute I discussed the role of utopia. And indeed, when mentioning relation to dramaturgic elements of film, common genre for film and these two works might be found in speculative fiction, or more poignantly: utopian and dystopian fiction.